30 2024年4月

南澳大学宣布2024年毕业典礼 & 93rd Baccalaureate Exercise: A Celebration of Resilience, Hope, & 成就

Saint Augustine’s University (分) is buzzing with excitement as it announces the highly anticipated 2024 毕业典礼 Ceremony and 93rd Baccalaureate Exercise, 5月4日的一个重要时刻. This event marks a significant milestone in the university’s history. It is a testament to the tireless dedication of its faculty, 工作人员, 和学生, who have continued to shine amidst challenges and adversity.

“我越来越喜欢这些学生了. I’ve been here the whole time with them this semester, 倾听他们的故事, 他们的起起落落, and what they have learned since being here,分临时主席Dr. 马库斯H. 伯吉斯 在鸟瞰图上. “They love 分, and ensuring that they have the graduation is what all of us want them to have. It is very important that they leave on a high note. So, by any means necessary, we want to ensure it’s a successful time.”

2024届毕业生, a shining example of 分’s enduring legacy, is ready to cross the stage and embark on the next chapter of their lives. 有近150名学生, this graduating class is the largest in almost a decade, a testament to the resilience and perseverance of both students and the university itself.

“Our core business is producing graduates. 这就是我们所做的. When we have the commencement exercises and see the students walk across the stage, we also see the great work that has happened on our campus to 帮助 facilitate that. 这让我为我们的教员感到骄傲, 谁使它成为可能,” said 分 Interim Provost and Vice President of Academic Affairs Dr. 詹妮尔Jennings-Alexander 在鸟瞰图上. “It’s a testament to the hard work that we are doing to 帮助 retain students, 帮助他们, 以确保他们的成功.”

The 2024 毕业典礼 Ceremony and 93rd Baccalaureate Exercise at 分 are poignant reminders of the university’s resilience, 活力, and unwavering dedication to student success.

“作为2020年的高中毕业生, I had no ambitions of college when it was time to start thinking about going to school. 世界陷入了停顿, 等我认真上大学的时候, every college I was interested in attending was already spoken for. One day #SaintAugustineUniversity gave me a chance,” said graduating senior and Student Trustee Miles Beasley 在Instagram上发帖. “If it had not been for the people here, God knows where I would be. 这是我的荣幸, 帮助, 指南, and learn that the environment here at #SaintAugustine’sUniversity is like no other.”

Thanks to the steadfast support and commitment of the university’s alumni and supporters, 该活动有望庆祝希望, 成就, and the enduring legacy of Saint Augustine’s University.

“在我们庆祝这一重要时刻, remember the resilience and unity defining the 分 community. 2024届毕业生 represents our collective strength and perseverance,” said graduating senior and Student Government Association President Ariana White 在鸟瞰图上. “With graduation on the way, I feel good about the future of 分. 我的信念很坚定.”

The commencement ceremony will feature 分 alumnus 牧师. 查尔斯W. 布鲁克斯, ’82, as the distinguished keynote speaker. 牧师. 布鲁克斯, a pillar of the community and organizer of the 罗利 Interdenominational Ministerial Alliance’s support for 分, embodies the spirit of service and commitment to uplifting the next generation of leaders.

牧师. 查尔斯Weldon 布鲁克斯, born December 19th, 1959, is a native of Winston Salem, 北卡罗莱纳. 牧师. 布鲁克斯 is the seventh of eight children born to the late William C. 还有鲁比·索雷尔·布鲁克斯. 在五岁的时候,牧师. 布鲁克斯 lost his mother and moved to 罗利, 北卡罗莱纳, 由祖父母抚养长大, 已故的韦尔登和格蕾丝·索雷尔夫妇. 在罗利的时候, he grew up in the Manly Street United Church of Christ, known today as Macedonia New Life Church.

1978年,牧师. 布鲁克斯 graduated from Broughton High School. He began a successful study of history and government at Saint Augustine’s College in 罗利. 1979年9月,牧师. 布鲁克斯接了电话. He preached his initial sermon under then Pastor D.A. 和平、老. 在大学里,上帝呼召牧师. 布鲁克斯 to serve as Pastor of the Pleasant Union United Church of Christ in 罗利. After serving the church for three years, 牧师. 布鲁克斯 graduated from Saint Augustine’s College with a B.A. 1982年获历史与政府学博士学位. 毕业后,牧师. 布鲁克斯 was accepted and entered Duke Divinity School, 达勒姆, NC, later transferring to The School of Theology at 维吉尼亚州 Union University, earning a Master of Divinity degree in 1987. 在神学院任职期间, he served two years as interim pastor of the Providence United Church of Christ in Chesapeake, 维吉尼亚州.

毕业后, he returned to 北卡罗莱纳 to serve as Pastor of the Children’s Chapel United Church of Christ until July 1990. In 1990, Charles accepted the challenge of leading a great congregation in 罗利, 白杨泉基督教堂. Since this union, the church has grown from 300 to 1200 disciples. In 1996, they added a new sanctuary and educational wing to the old structure for 1.200万年.

尽管取得了巨大的成功,牧师. 布鲁克斯 declares that his greatest accomplishment was marrying his friend Regina M. 他认识布鲁克斯已经35年了. 夫人. 布鲁克斯 is the IT Manager for the 北卡罗莱纳 Department of Health and Human 服务 Division of Child Development. 他们有三个孩子, 查理二世, Renita, 并对此, 都是HBCUs的毕业生, 豪斯, 塔斯基吉, 以及北卡罗来纳中央大学.

分’s Class of 2024 is a testament to excellence and diversity, with more than half (54%) graduating with a 3.0 GPA or better and over a third (35%) with honors 和学生 from 16 states and three countries.

点击这里 for more information about the 2024 毕业典礼.